has a transparent and clear shipping policy for all orders placed on our website.Confirmed Orders placed will be shipped within 48 hrs. Our products will be shipped on all days except Sunday,National Holidays and State Govt. Holidays.
The customers can opt to go to the delivery shop and get the battery installed or ask the delivery shop person to come and install the battery at customers place(home or office whichever is convenient).
Usually the battery is installed within 2 - 24 hours from the booking time depending on the customers availability, service engineers availability, battery model availability in stock and the distance from thedelivery shop to the customers delivery address.
Our delivery shops are opened from 9am – 6:30pm Monday through Saturday except for holidays. If you want to pay by credit card or debit card, based on the availability of this facility in the delivery shop, there will be a separate service fee charged to the extent of 2 %.
Battery will be delivered within 4 – 24 hours from the time the payment is made. In case the battery is not in stock, it will be delivered in 3 – 5 days. If the battery is not delivered and if the customer cancels the order before the shipment happens, the full amount paid will be refunded if it is through net banking / google pay / paytm incase of debit or credit card Service charges 2% debited by the banker cannot be refunded.